About Us

Our Story

Welcome to LYKEshops, the creation of author Lewis, Y. K. We're dedicated to bringing Restoration through Literature with our unique approach to life's lessons.

The idea for publishing "All These Hands | A Day in the Life of Eryn Lee" was born during a captivating dinner conversation with my two older daughters. As we prepared to leave, we dined by candlelight, and I was struck by the synchronized movements of our hands as I secured my youngest into her car seat. At that moment, I shared my vision of creating a beautiful book to capture a child's perspective, showcasing the hands lovingly caring for them. My daughters encouraged me to bring this idea to life, saying, "Mama, why don't you write the book?"

Although it took several years before I took pen to hand, I had been writing poetry and short stories, sharing them with friends and family. However, I doubted my ability to publish without the formal education of a writer or author. Yet, a realization struck me. I didn't need validation beyond the inner voice that whispered, "You are who I say you are!" Over time, my fears faded, and I found joy amidst life's challenges. Embracing hope, love, self-discovery, and acceptance, I felt free to explore various creative endeavors as a writer, poet, author, inventor, and entrepreneur.

Today, I am the creator of two remarkable book series: "All These Hands | A Day in the Life of Eryn Lee" and "Some Lessons of Life Through Poetry Spring Vol. 1 Poems and Narrative Writings." These books reflect my personal journey of self-discovery and my deep desire to touch hearts, inspire reflection, and promote emotional well-being through the power of storytelling and poetry.

In addition to the books, I am thrilled to introduce the Lewis Y. K Enterprises Doll Collection, featuring characters from "All These Hands." These dolls serve as therapeutic tools, forging a tangible connection to the story and inviting children to engage in imaginative play that explores the themes of love, family, and support.

But there's more! I have also created the Pottytime Song and Music Video. This delightful and engaging resource transforms the potty training experience into a fun and positive adventure for children and parents alike. I believe in infusing joy and creativity into every aspect of life, even everyday routines.

At Lewis, Y. K, our mission is to bring restoration through literature, offering a unique approach to life's lessons. We wholeheartedly believe in the power of storytelling and poetry to touch hearts, ignite imaginations, and foster emotional growth. Whether you're a parent seeking meaningful children's books, a reader searching for thought-provoking poetry, or a therapist looking for therapeutic tools, we are here to provide you with engaging, heartfelt, and transformative experiences.

Join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery, love, and growth. Let's celebrate the beauty of hands, the power of words, and the enchantment within our stories. Welcome to Lewis, Y. K, where restoration meets inspiration, and every hand has a story.

As a minority woman business owner, I am deeply committed to amplifying often overlooked voices and sharing stories that empower families from diverse backgrounds. With simplicity, honesty, and my experiences as a wife and mother, I strive to create a space where everyone can see themselves within the pages of my books and feel a sense of belonging.

I am Lewis Y. K, and I am honored to embark on this journey with you. Let's build a world where stories transcend boundaries, hearts are touched, and lives are transformed. Welcome to Lewis, Y. K, where diversity, authenticity, and empowerment thrive.

Our Mission Statement

~ Take your time and Hurry Up! – Lewis, Y. K

Our mission is to embody the grace, love, and support demonstrated by the women who came before me. We strive to extend this care to ourselves and our staff and to every associate we encounter along our journey. Just as Yahushua cares for me, we aim to treat others with tenderness and affection, fostering an environment that nurtures creativity and empowers individuals to create remarkable works of art. At LYKEshops, we embrace an open-door policy of unwavering support, ensuring everyone feels valued, heard, and encouraged. Together, we create a stress-free and harmonious space where greatness can flourish.